Want to ask me a dental question? Email: Drnathanhaas@hotmail.com

I will post your questions with answers as I receive them.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Toddler and Child Day at the Dentist at Stonebrook Dental

Tomorrow is another Toddler and Child Day at the Dentist, Saturday August 14, 2010 from 9am-2pm. Looking forward to seeing all the children and their parents for another exciting day of introducing dentistry to little ones!

We are booking for our next Child Day at the Dentist on Sat. September 18, 2010 from 9am-2pm.

Stonebrook Dental

4256 Bathurst St, Suite 405 (Bathurst Medical Centre)-just south of Sheppard Ave.

Toronto, On

M3H 5Y8





  1. Aww. I wish they had a toddler and child day here, too. The West Columbia dental clinic has a very good dentist, and he really does a great job for children and even those adults who would want some cosmetic thing like implants put on them. That West Columbia dentist really is friendly. Anyway, I wonder what happened in this event? Was it fun, Dr. Haas? =D

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