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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What is considered cosmetic dentistry?

From Anthony via email Monday March 22, 2010

I would like to join your dental practice and I am considering some cosmetic dentistry for my front teeth which I am not sure is considered cosmetic dentistry or not? I have a dental  insurance plan through my work and was informed through the company that cosmetic dentistry is not covered under my plan. I feel at this point I would like my front teeth fixed to look good regardless of what my insurance covers. What are my options for fixing my front teeth, overall I would like them whiter but I also think my teeth look very straight across the bottom like they are worn down.


Thank you for your question. Dentistry can usually be categorized into two categories, elective and non-elective. Cosmetic dentistry is dentistry which is done to enhance your smile and is elective-your choice to do it. Non-elective treatment is usally that type of dentistry which needs to be fixed or repaired due to cavities/decay, fracture or wear, this type of dentistry is typically covered by a dental insurance plan.

Choices for cosmetic enhancement of your teeth may include the following and depend on your individual circumstance;

-Porcelain Veneers
-Teeth Whitening or Bleaching
-Porcelain Crowns
-Dental Bridges
-Dental Implants
-Gum contouring with a dental laser
-Bite Analysis

Prior to proceeding with any dental treatment it is important to fully examine both the teeth and your bite. A full exam like this includes a smile analysis which takes into effect the size/shape/colour/symmetry and overall characteristics of your smile and teeth. In this way we can fully describe the options available to you for enhancement of your smile.

I would be happy to see you and invite you to my Family, Laser, Cosmetic and Implant Dental Practice in Toronto.

Visit my website at, http://www.drnathanhaas.com/


  1. Great answer which describes, what exactly the cosmetic dentistry takes place to improve our smile and make attractive. Cosmetic Dentistry is differentiate into various categories such as Implants, Crowns, Bridges etc. The only goal of cosmetic treatment is to make smile beautiful and attractive.
