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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Brushing your young child's teeth and toothpaste

via email March 12, 2010 from Avery P.

I have a question, which I'm sure you get asked often. My daughter is at that age (almost 2)where she wants to do everything herself, including brushing her teeth, but she can't yet. It is always a struggle and usually (I'm embarrassed to say) she usually wins and brushes them herself. Is there a way I can have her let me brush her teeth without her freaking out.

Also, what is a good toothpaste for her? We found a natural one from walmart, Toms of Maine.
Great question. These are very common questions which are asked.

It is important that you brush for her, which you know. Typically I will have both child and mom have a toothbrush and either both of you brush at the same time OR let her know you will have a turn after she is finished. As well, if you find it really difficult, get something to distract her like a book, toy or tv (if you need to) and have her sitting in your lap facing away from you and you can brush her teeth while she is watching/playing.

Any toothpaste without fluoride is fine at this time, until she can really spit it out well (usually around the age of 4) . You do not want fluoride, until she can spit it out thoroughly, as she may swallow it and it can cause stomach upset and fluorosis long term.

Feel free to check out our young Child and Toddler Day at the Dentist program which has been in existence for 2 years. The aim of this program is to instill a positive association with dentistry and provides a positive and fun first experience at the dentist. See, Toddler and Young Child at the Dentist in Toronto

Thank you,


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