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Sunday, February 21, 2010

How many teeth should an adult have?


Received via email Fri.Feb 19, 2010 from Anthony G.
How many teeth should an adult have?


Thank you for your question Anthony. This is a question I am asked quite frequently from both adults and children alike.

An adult who has his/her full set of teeth, including their wisdom teeth should have 32 teeth. Exceptions can always occur though, some people these days do not form all four wisdom teeth thus they may have less than 32 teeth. As well, occasionally a person may either be missing a tooth (it does not form) or form an extra tooth, these are exceptions to the rule.

1 comment:

  1. Many individuals have the same question to every dentist. Thanks for sharing a valuable answer in such a informative blog. An adult should have proper 32 sets of teeth in his mouth. For keeping dental issues away, you have floss and brush regularly to keep it clean and healthy. Our can visit our family dentist Toronto to get more details on it.
